Saturday, December 20, 2014

Missing Daddy

Yesterday marked 26 years since my Daddy went to
be with JESUS. I usually do my best not to think
too much or to realize the date,
and most of the time I succeed pretty well.

Daddy crossed my mind a few times yesterday
and I was able to think of something else real quick.
But last night when my oldest daughter drug me 
to Walmart, we passed the display of Old Spice;
Daddy's smell filled the air around me, just like when
I was a little girl sitting with him in his recliner 
watching t.v...
I was unable to hold back the tears!

You see, my Daddy wasn't perfect, he had his 
faults like all of us do, but I know without
a doubt that my Daddy loved me.
I was his Whistle Britches, he was my childhood
hero. There was very few steps he took
that I wasn't in his footsteps if possible.
No matter how old I get or how long he's been gone,
I'll always be Daddy's little girl.
I look forward to the day we meet again and I get
one of my Daddy's great big hugs.
I know Heaven has a fishin' hole and I'll be tagging
along to it, right behind him.

In loving memory
Tom Cox
4/27/1918 - 12/19/1988

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Breakfast with Santa

My sister started a new family Christmas tradition last year.
Her and her husband takes all the kids and
their parents to Breakfast with Santa.

It is hosted by O'Charlie's and benefits Toy's for Tots.
So we always get a group photo with the Marine
who is there to host the event.

My youngest will probably not want to get
a pic taken with Santa very much longer, so I was 
so glad she did this year.

My oldest with my G-babies.
(Grandson had to have Mommy with him!)

We all have such a great time! I think I actually 
enjoy it as much as the children!

My sister with my Granddaughter and my Great-Niece.

I also like that this event helps to teach our children
that giving to those less fortunate is very important.

Getting into the Christmas spirit over here!
I hope you all have enjoyed a great weekend!


Monday, December 1, 2014

Just a Country Girl

For most of my life I've lived in the same small town.
It's one of those quiet little southern towns where
everyone knows one another,
where if you need something theres always someone 
there to help.

I moved to the "Big City", as my Daddy would call it,
when I was in my twenties.
That lasted for about six and a half years,
and I couldn't wait to get back
to my sweet little town.

Many things have changed around town. The S&H Supermarket has long been closed.

(Me and my friends in front of the old S&H circa 1986)

The school that everyone in town attended for many generations has been torn down.

There are so many improvements and so much growth also.

I've been back for a little over 15 years now and I 
know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this 
is where I was meant to be.

I love this little town!

Wishing you Blessings!

Friday, November 28, 2014

CHRISTmas Past...

Me and my girls have drug all the decorations
out of the barn, Thanksgiving has come and gone, 
so it's that time again!
Time to decorate for CHRISTmas!!!

The photos being shared today are from
CHRISTmas 2011.

This is our tree full of memories.
Each ornament has been collected over the years
and has a special meaning.

Sometimes it's good to look back over the years
at how your style and decor has changed.

I've always loved to use objects for something 
other than what was intended.
Like an antique bundt pan for a tree stand.

Or antique silver flatware as ornaments.

I hope you've enjoyed a look back!

I must get busy decorating!

Fun, fun, fun! :)


We celebrated a wonderful Thanksgiving with family
yesterday. We are so thankful for all of the
blessings GOD has given us over the past year.
HE never ceases to amaze me!

I hope you and your family enjoyed a
Wonderful Thanksgiving also!

My cup runneth over!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Stay tuned...

 Looking forward to spending the day tomorrow with
my oldest daughter.
We will be working on a couple of diy projects.
I'll take a few pics and post them soon.

In the meantime let me get started on
decking the halls!


Monday, November 24, 2014

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Me and Katie (my youngest) had a little
craving for something sweet
the other day.

I got out my local Woodmen of The World cookbook
turned a few pages in the dessert section and 
there it was...

A recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookies.
Simple and easy!

I took no time at all for us to whip up a batch.

(I love the way my house smells when baking is going on!)

They turned out to be one of the best 
chocolate chip cookies I've ever eaten!

So I thought I would share!

Chocolate Chip Cookies
by Sandra Lancaster

2 1/4  c. flour
1 c. butter
1/2 c. sugar
3/4 c. brown sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
1 egg
2 c. chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a small bowl, stir together 
flour. In a large bowl, cream together butter and sugar until 
light and fluffy. Add vanilla and egg; beat well. Add dry ingredients to creamed mixture; mix well. Add chocolate chips; mix well. Roll heaping tablespoons of dough
into balls. Place each ball 2 inches apart on an un-greased 
cookie sheet. Bake in preheated oven 8 to 10 minutes. 
Remove and cool on cookie sheet. 
Makes 3 dozen.

Enjoy with a cold glass of milk! 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Autumn Vignettes

I love autumn and all it entails...
changing leaves in beautiful shades of red, yellow, orange
and brown
bonfires and s'mores
fall festivals and fairs
crisp cool mornings
apple cider & pie... 

I love a big pot of homemade soup
or chili simmering on the stove,
and an iron skillet of cornbread in the oven.

I also love decorating for Fall.
My favorites to decorate with are bird nests, pumpkins
ravens, leaves, acorns...

adding these natural elements to my cloches
are one of my favorites!

 A few of my vintage dogs made them even
cuter I think!

I like that I don't have to change a lot, just add
a few of the fall elements to
the vignettes that I already have.

I wish that the fall decor lasted a little longer.
And I always think I'll let them hang around at least
until Thanksgiving,
but that never works.

I always start itching to put Christmas trees up,
so that when we come home from my
sisters house Thanksgiving night
we can turn on the lights of the trees 
and relax.

I look forward to getting together with my family.
We have so much to be thankful for this year.
GOD continues to run my cup over.

Wishing you all a very safe, blessed and 
Happy Thanksgiving!

I will give thanks to the LORD
with my whole heart;
I will recount all of YOUR
wonderful deeds.
~ Psalm 9:1

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Such a Blessed Week

This has been one crazy week! It has also been a week to be thankful for!

As I posted Friday, my sweet sister Barbara was here 
with us. My sister Margie came and spent a couple of days and we 
went to visit our oldest sister, Ann, who is in a nursing home.
It was family night and we all dressed in costume, so it was pretty funny! :)

My life is filled with such wonderful blessings.

Blessings to you all!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

So Glad It's Friday

It's been a busy week and I'm looking forward to 
my sweet sister Barbara
coming to spend the week with us.

Barbara is precious to me and my girls.
She is only 4'8" and is 
special needs.
She is one of my Golden Girls 
(What I lovingly refer to my 5 older sisters as).

She has recently went through treatment for
breast cancer. Her last treatment was
just in time for her to do the survivors walk
in the Relay for Life.

(my oldest daughter and I had to PINK her up for the event of course!)

Barbara is such an inspiration to us all. 

She took her treatments with such grace and 

her faith in GOD was so strong.

She would always say..."GOD's got me, I'm gonna be ok!"

And she is! Praise GOD! \0/

Her Oncologist says she is doing wonderful!

She's always been such a blessing

to our family!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Walk Around Town

Me and the my G-babies took Merle & Dolly for a walk around town.

They loved it!

We all enjoy walking in our beautiful little town.

It's always so peaceful.

And we're back home again.

I hope you all have a very blessed weekend!


Trying to get the hang of this so I thought I'd would share a photo
of my constant sidekick.

He's never won a beauty contest, but I love this little fur baby.

He is a "Chug" a Chihuahua/Pug mix,
hence the underbite!
He also has a Chihuahua ear (standing up)
and a Pug ear (flipped halfway forward).

My oldest daughter received Merle as a gift for her 18th Birthday.

When she got married Merle couldn't bear to leave me,
 so I have custody, 
my daughter gets visitation! lol


Our family wouldn't be the same with out this guy!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Happy Friday!

                            Looking forward to a beautiful fall weekend here in the south.
I will be taking a few photos, playing with editing and uploading them.

I can't wait to get started! 

Wish me luck! :)

Saturday, October 11, 2014

                                         Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you" declares the LORD "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."