Saturday, November 22, 2014

Autumn Vignettes

I love autumn and all it entails...
changing leaves in beautiful shades of red, yellow, orange
and brown
bonfires and s'mores
fall festivals and fairs
crisp cool mornings
apple cider & pie... 

I love a big pot of homemade soup
or chili simmering on the stove,
and an iron skillet of cornbread in the oven.

I also love decorating for Fall.
My favorites to decorate with are bird nests, pumpkins
ravens, leaves, acorns...

adding these natural elements to my cloches
are one of my favorites!

 A few of my vintage dogs made them even
cuter I think!

I like that I don't have to change a lot, just add
a few of the fall elements to
the vignettes that I already have.

I wish that the fall decor lasted a little longer.
And I always think I'll let them hang around at least
until Thanksgiving,
but that never works.

I always start itching to put Christmas trees up,
so that when we come home from my
sisters house Thanksgiving night
we can turn on the lights of the trees 
and relax.

I look forward to getting together with my family.
We have so much to be thankful for this year.
GOD continues to run my cup over.

Wishing you all a very safe, blessed and 
Happy Thanksgiving!

I will give thanks to the LORD
with my whole heart;
I will recount all of YOUR
wonderful deeds.
~ Psalm 9:1

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