Thursday, October 23, 2014

So Glad It's Friday

It's been a busy week and I'm looking forward to 
my sweet sister Barbara
coming to spend the week with us.

Barbara is precious to me and my girls.
She is only 4'8" and is 
special needs.
She is one of my Golden Girls 
(What I lovingly refer to my 5 older sisters as).

She has recently went through treatment for
breast cancer. Her last treatment was
just in time for her to do the survivors walk
in the Relay for Life.

(my oldest daughter and I had to PINK her up for the event of course!)

Barbara is such an inspiration to us all. 

She took her treatments with such grace and 

her faith in GOD was so strong.

She would always say..."GOD's got me, I'm gonna be ok!"

And she is! Praise GOD! \0/

Her Oncologist says she is doing wonderful!

She's always been such a blessing

to our family!

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