Saturday, December 20, 2014

Missing Daddy

Yesterday marked 26 years since my Daddy went to
be with JESUS. I usually do my best not to think
too much or to realize the date,
and most of the time I succeed pretty well.

Daddy crossed my mind a few times yesterday
and I was able to think of something else real quick.
But last night when my oldest daughter drug me 
to Walmart, we passed the display of Old Spice;
Daddy's smell filled the air around me, just like when
I was a little girl sitting with him in his recliner 
watching t.v...
I was unable to hold back the tears!

You see, my Daddy wasn't perfect, he had his 
faults like all of us do, but I know without
a doubt that my Daddy loved me.
I was his Whistle Britches, he was my childhood
hero. There was very few steps he took
that I wasn't in his footsteps if possible.
No matter how old I get or how long he's been gone,
I'll always be Daddy's little girl.
I look forward to the day we meet again and I get
one of my Daddy's great big hugs.
I know Heaven has a fishin' hole and I'll be tagging
along to it, right behind him.

In loving memory
Tom Cox
4/27/1918 - 12/19/1988

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