Monday, February 2, 2015

A Few Little DIYs

I have been meaning to paint
my antique sewing machine drawers
for awhile now.

Using them for my granddaughters
birthday party was just the motivation
I needed.

You can see the vintage frame and
chalkboard to the left and on the table in
the back ground.
These are before pics, the after pics
will be included in the post
about the birthday party!

I've also added a little *Bling*
to the dull boring chandelier in the 

dining room.

I've wanted it replaced with the beautiful
vintage chandelier that I had bought
before we moved here two years ago,
so I thought I'd make it a little more 
appealing to look at until it's replaced.

I added crystal garland from arm to arm
and a crystal prism to each light holder.

I think it's much better for now!
What do you think?

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