Friday, February 27, 2015

***A Blanket of White***

We woke up Wednesday morning to a beautiful
winter wonderland!

We have 6 1/2 inches of snow here in Georgia!

You may not understand, but 6 1/2 inches is
a lot of snow here in the South.

People make jokes and laugh that the South shuts
down if a snowflake falls...
Well that's why I love the South!
Don't get me wrong, snow is absolutely beautiful,
but I don't like cold weather!

I don't like it when the power goes out or
the water freezes!
I don't like the messiness of the sludge
when the snow melts!

But boy did GOD paint us some beautiful pictures!
And HE blessed us as always, we never lost power
and the water didn't freeze!

(this last pic is one taken of my home by my sweet neighbor!)

I hope you all are having a blessed day!


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