Friday, February 27, 2015

***A Blanket of White***

We woke up Wednesday morning to a beautiful
winter wonderland!

We have 6 1/2 inches of snow here in Georgia!

You may not understand, but 6 1/2 inches is
a lot of snow here in the South.

People make jokes and laugh that the South shuts
down if a snowflake falls...
Well that's why I love the South!
Don't get me wrong, snow is absolutely beautiful,
but I don't like cold weather!

I don't like it when the power goes out or
the water freezes!
I don't like the messiness of the sludge
when the snow melts!

But boy did GOD paint us some beautiful pictures!
And HE blessed us as always, we never lost power
and the water didn't freeze!

(this last pic is one taken of my home by my sweet neighbor!)

I hope you all are having a blessed day!


Preparing to Get Snowed In

It started snowing here in Georgia Tuesday evening,
So me and my youngest daughter prepared for
the winter storm the way all Southerners do...

We went to buy milk and bread! lol

I must be like my precious Mama,
because every time I hear snow I get the urge to cook!

A big pot of my homemade chili and
a hot pone of corn bread sounded delicious...and it was!

I had also ran across the recipe for Banana Brownies with
Browned Butter Frosting that sounded mouthwatering,
and I just so happened to have a few bananas that
were too ripe to eat, but perfect for said recipe!

They were very quick and easy to whip up,
and the finished product was so very delicious!

I will definitely be making them again!

So that you can try them I have added the recipe, 
let me know what y'all think.

(I didn't put the walnuts in mine, but would have loved to try them with pecans!)

Oh my gosh!!!! These will melt in your mouth!!! So moist and delicious!!!

heart emoticon BANANA BREAD BROWNIES heart emoticon

1-1/2 c. sugar
1 c. sour cream
1/2 c. butter, softened
2 eggs
1-3/4 (3 or 4) ripe bananas, mashed
2 tsp. vanilla extract
2 c. all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda
3/4 tsp. salt
1/2 c. chopped walnuts (optional)
Brown Butter Frosting:
1/2 c. butter
4 c. powdered sugar
1-1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
3 tbsp. milk

1. Heat oven to 375F. Grease and flour 15x10-inch jelly roll pan. For the bars, in a large bowl, beat together sugar, sour cream, butter, and eggs until creamy. Blend in bananas and vanilla extract. Add flour, baking soda, salt, and blend for 1 minute. Stir in walnuts.
2. Spread batter evenly into pan. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown.
3. Meanwhile, for frosting, heat butter in a large saucepan over medium heat until boiling. Let the butter turn a delicate brown and remove from heat immediately.
4. Add powdered sugar, vanilla extract and milk. Whisk together until smooth (it should be thicker than a glaze but thinner than frosting). Using a spatula, spread the brown butter frosting over the warm bars (the frosting will be easier to spread while the bars are still warm)

Friday, February 13, 2015

~ Valentines Day ~

I have always loved
Valentines Day!

It makes me happy having all of the
heart decor around!

You've probably noticed by now
that I have certain areas of my home
that I decorate each holiday.

And I always change the messages
on the chalkboards that I made.
The sweet message on the one under the
mantle is done by my precious little
granddaughter! <3 :)

A little added sweetness to the shelf
where my china and transfer ware
collection is displayed.

The shelf belonged to my Mama, and 
was made for her by my then
brother in law, for her to put her home
canned goodies on.
It's one of my treasures!

The china was passed down to me by
my sweet Aunt Leavie, I'll do a post on
that later.

My youngest daughter and I made the
adorable heart paper chains the other night.

I enjoy doing crafts with her, but 
most of all I love the conversations
that we have while doing the crafts.

I wish you all
Happy Valentines Day!


Friday, February 6, 2015

We celebrated my beautiful granddaughter's
birthday this past Saturday.
I enjoyed helping my oldest daughter
plan and prepare for the party...
After all it was right up my alley!

I have always loved tea parties and
have past that on to the G-daughter!

As I stated in my last post,"A Few Little DIYs",
The chalkboard and sewing machine
drawer were used for the party.

Me and my daughter used our vintage
teacup collection to decorate with.

And the girls used the antique teacups and 
saucers that my Aunt passed down to me.

I'm so glad that everything turned out so well,
and that the girls had so much fun!


Monday, February 2, 2015

A Few Little DIYs

I have been meaning to paint
my antique sewing machine drawers
for awhile now.

Using them for my granddaughters
birthday party was just the motivation
I needed.

You can see the vintage frame and
chalkboard to the left and on the table in
the back ground.
These are before pics, the after pics
will be included in the post
about the birthday party!

I've also added a little *Bling*
to the dull boring chandelier in the 

dining room.

I've wanted it replaced with the beautiful
vintage chandelier that I had bought
before we moved here two years ago,
so I thought I'd make it a little more 
appealing to look at until it's replaced.

I added crystal garland from arm to arm
and a crystal prism to each light holder.

I think it's much better for now!
What do you think?