Sunday, November 15, 2015

Inspired Not To Give Up


                I haven't posted since April,

              and I have missed it like crazy!

After a lot of praying, then reading 
a post from Courtney 
on her blog, French Country Cottage,
I feel as though I should continue blogging.

(thank you Courtney!)

Spring and summer were very busy,
but enjoyable,
with my youngest and the
G-babies out of school.

We had loads of fun together...

Tea Parties
Tellus Museum
Bonfire Party
Playing Outside
Going for Walks 
Climbing Trees
Playing Basketball
and Baseball


My two dear friends and I
have united in business and opened
a booth and boutique inside
a wonderful new shoppe in our
little town.

(Posting more about that soon!)

I have taken tons of photos,
and I promise to catch you all up
on everything.


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