Saturday, December 20, 2014

Missing Daddy

Yesterday marked 26 years since my Daddy went to
be with JESUS. I usually do my best not to think
too much or to realize the date,
and most of the time I succeed pretty well.

Daddy crossed my mind a few times yesterday
and I was able to think of something else real quick.
But last night when my oldest daughter drug me 
to Walmart, we passed the display of Old Spice;
Daddy's smell filled the air around me, just like when
I was a little girl sitting with him in his recliner 
watching t.v...
I was unable to hold back the tears!

You see, my Daddy wasn't perfect, he had his 
faults like all of us do, but I know without
a doubt that my Daddy loved me.
I was his Whistle Britches, he was my childhood
hero. There was very few steps he took
that I wasn't in his footsteps if possible.
No matter how old I get or how long he's been gone,
I'll always be Daddy's little girl.
I look forward to the day we meet again and I get
one of my Daddy's great big hugs.
I know Heaven has a fishin' hole and I'll be tagging
along to it, right behind him.

In loving memory
Tom Cox
4/27/1918 - 12/19/1988

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Breakfast with Santa

My sister started a new family Christmas tradition last year.
Her and her husband takes all the kids and
their parents to Breakfast with Santa.

It is hosted by O'Charlie's and benefits Toy's for Tots.
So we always get a group photo with the Marine
who is there to host the event.

My youngest will probably not want to get
a pic taken with Santa very much longer, so I was 
so glad she did this year.

My oldest with my G-babies.
(Grandson had to have Mommy with him!)

We all have such a great time! I think I actually 
enjoy it as much as the children!

My sister with my Granddaughter and my Great-Niece.

I also like that this event helps to teach our children
that giving to those less fortunate is very important.

Getting into the Christmas spirit over here!
I hope you all have enjoyed a great weekend!


Monday, December 1, 2014

Just a Country Girl

For most of my life I've lived in the same small town.
It's one of those quiet little southern towns where
everyone knows one another,
where if you need something theres always someone 
there to help.

I moved to the "Big City", as my Daddy would call it,
when I was in my twenties.
That lasted for about six and a half years,
and I couldn't wait to get back
to my sweet little town.

Many things have changed around town. The S&H Supermarket has long been closed.

(Me and my friends in front of the old S&H circa 1986)

The school that everyone in town attended for many generations has been torn down.

There are so many improvements and so much growth also.

I've been back for a little over 15 years now and I 
know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this 
is where I was meant to be.

I love this little town!

Wishing you Blessings!