Saturday, January 24, 2015

Happy Saturday!

I woke this morning with a bit of a sore throat,
so I decided to make me a cup of hot tea
to see if that might help.

I'm not a coffee drinker at all,

and I love hot tea, so I had several types
and flavors to choose from.
But I chose to try something new...

I had bought a box of Lipton, Chai Tea, 

cinnamon a few weeks ago.
So I made a cup and sweetened it

with a little organic honey...

Ha, who am I kidding! It was actually not just 
a little organic honey,
but it's Saturday, right!

I was delicious and my throat feels a little

better too!

I have several things to accomplish
today, so I'd better get busy!

Have a very blessed weekend!

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