Friday, January 1, 2016

Out With The Old

I've been so busy for the past couple of months that I just realized that I never did a post about my Christmas decor.

So before I take it all down
I thought I would share.

I usually have a tree in the
living room and dining room.
Small trees in every other room
and everything that doesn't
move gets decorated.

Not this year! I was a bit of
a slacker!
Before now I would have driven
myself crazy trying to get
everything done and
make every little detail perfect.

This year I finally came to the
realization that I can't
do it all. I know... hard to 
believe, huh! :)

Christmas has came and gone 
way too quickly...
Many old traditions have
New traditions have began...

But the most important thing
will never change, and
that is that GOD loved us so
much that HE sent HIS
only SON to earth
so that you and I could have
forgiveness of our sins.
The most precious gift ever!

